Rev. Brandon and Meagan Ard
Lead Pastor
Pastor Brandon and Meagan Ard have came to us from Cheraw, SC and have been in Ministry since 2012. This sweet couple has enjoyed many mission trips to Mexico, worked in Youth and Music ministry and now serving as Senior Pastor. Their vision for ministry is to equip and make a lasting difference in the lives of people in the church, that they will, in turn make a difference in the community.
Rev. Candace Crossby
Music Minister
Candace has been a member at North Spartanburg Church of God since 2012. During that time she has served as a Youth Staff Member and LiveWire Praise Team Director. Her passion for music ministry started when she was nine years old and has grown into her pursuing her exhorters to become an ordained minister in 2020. In her role as Music Director, her goal is to encourage others to use their gifts and talents to the best of their abilities for the glory and honor of God.
Rev. Tyler and Leah DeShields
Children's Pastor
Tyler serves as the children's pastor of North Spartanburg Kids with his superhero wife Leah. Tyler and Leah have worked with children in many different capacities for the past three years. Tyler is a Middle School Social Studies teacher with a BA in Secondary Education from USC-Upstate and is currently finishing his MA in Teaching and Learning from Lander. Leah is a Preschool teacher having previous training and work experience in Speech Therapy with a degree in Psychology from UNC-Charlotte. Tyler’s passion for children's ministry started at the age of 17 when he volunteered to be a helper in children’s church. He then felt the calling of ministry in his life, obtained his Exhorter's license in 2020, and hasn’t looked back since. Tyler and Leah love connecting with those who seem to have lost their connection with God due to situations of life and helping them realize that a true relationship with God is important and helpful in the world we live in today. Their desire for North Spartanburg Kids is to have kids who are so on fire for God and their relationship with Him is so strong that it will impact the communities in which our students are involved leading to the final days of revival and change.
Ryan Bumgardner
Youth Pastor
Ryan serves as the Youth Pastor of North Spartanburg Youth. Ryan has been helping out with youth as long as he can remember, his parents were Youth Pastors for over 15 years, where he helped with events and services until he moved churches to be their youth worship leader. He has been at NSCOG for a couple of years and has served as youth worship leader and church pianist. He’s currently enrolled at Holmes Bible College for a BS in Christian and Youth Education. His goal is to lead and disciple teenagers that they become the hands and feet of Jesus and walk in all that God has called them to, pushing them to become radically altered teens, pursuing after Christ's Kingdom!
Ashley Cooper
Planning and Social Media Director
Ashley is joining our staff to assist with Planning, Social Media, and Sunday School. Ashley is no stranger to the NSCOG family as she has been a member since the age of 1 and has grown up serving in the church, specifically in Youth and Media. Formerly a teacher but now works as a Personal Trainer and taking on the role of Planning and Social Media Director at the church. Ashley, husband Clint and son Remington enjoy serving in the church and have a true passion for the growth of God’s Kingdom.